Hotel prices can change daily depending on how many rooms are left to fill. The best time to book is often within 24 hours of your stay when hotels lower prices to avoid empty rooms. However, this last-minute approach can be risky, especially when you're in an unfamiliar location and prefer more certainty in your travel plans.
You can use Visit East Africa to optimize your booking timing and secure the best price for a hotel room without the worry of availability issues. Visit East Africa enables you to search for hotels, providing insights into room availability and price changes, helping you make informed decisions and save money on your accommodations.
Belonging to certain associations or organizations can make you eligible for extra discounts. Examples include AARP and AAA, as well as groups like the American Bar Association, the United States Billiard Association, and the Professional Disc Golf Association, which offer discounts at various hotel chains. It's worth checking with your professional organization, university, or any other group you're part of. Additionally, some credit cards, such as Visa Signature, provide discounts and benefits at a variety of hotels.
When you're ready to make your booking, consider using cash back and credit card rewards to maximize your savings. By taking advantage of these rewards programs, you can earn extra benefits on your travel expenses.